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Community Service Opportunities

Class of 2024, it's that time, you are about to become a SENIOR!!!  As a graduation requirement, all non-MCTI students must complete their Graduation Project.  One component of the graduation project entails community service.  You must do at least 8 hours of community service by August 25th, 2023.  **If you are going to complete your community service at the West End Fair, you must get administrative approval to override the due date of August 25th, 2023.  **This only applies to community service hours being completed at the West End Fair.***  A total of 30 hours are required for this project.  See the breakdown explanation below.

  • A total of 30 hours combined of community service and job shadow/intership must be completed by all non-MCTI students prior to the start of their senior school year.  
    • Seniors not enrolled in PVHS by the start of their senior year will meet with administration about clarification of this project completion.
  • The total of 30 hours MUST include 8 hours of community service, and 8 hours of the job shadow/internship.  The remaining hours (14), may consist of the student's choice, but must meet the required 30 hours requirement.

In order to help students achieve their goal for the community service component, we have listed some local organizations in our community that are willing to offer community service opportunities to our students.  In order to set-up your opportunity, you must call or email the contact to schedule your hours.  Remember, when emailing, please do not use your school email, it will be blocked by the recipient on most occasions.  Use a personal email please.  

Local Organizations/Opportunities

You can always contact your local township municipal offices for possible opportunities.

West End Food Pantry - Contact Karena Thek at [email protected]  or cell - 570-730-6055 - Website for Info - West End Food Pantry

Kunkletown Thrift Store - Contact Donna Diehlat 570-620-5726  The store is open Wednesday - Saturday

Pleasant Valley Ecumenical Network - 570-992-3136  - Website for Info - PVEN   - This organization is a local food pantry.

Chestunuthill Township - Dave Albright - 570-992-7247  - Ask for Mr. Albright to set-up your opportunity.

Camp Papilion - 570-801-6166 - Website for Info - Camp Papilion

Salvation Army in East Stroudsburg - Food Distribution - Call 570-421-3050 ext 29 to set-up your opportunity.

Polk Township- Contact Brian Ahner by calling 610-681-5376 - He's there till 2 p.m.  Please leave your name and number in your message if he's not available.  He may not get back to your right away, but will get back to you.  

The Garden of Giving - 570-402-1282 - Email - Garden of Giving Email  

West End Park & Open Space Commission - Bernie Kozen is the contact - 570-992-9733 - Website for Info - Website Info

**Check out PICK UP THE POCONOS Event on April 23rd!!! *** - Click on the Link to Participate -Pick Up the Poconos

Western Pocono Women's Club - This organization has opportunities throughout the summer months that can be utilized for your project.  They also have a stand at the West End Fair where they could use some much needed help.  Please contact Pat Mackes -  cell number is: 570-688-5375  Home number is 610-681-4967