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What is SAP?

Student Assistance Programs are state-mandated in all secondary schools in Pennsylvania. These programs identify issues, including alcohol, drugs and others, which pose a barrier to a student’s learning and school success.

Student Assistance is not a treatment program; but rather, a process using techniques to mobilize school resources to remove barriers. Where the problem is beyond the scope of the school, this program assists the parent/student with information so they may access services within the community.

 How does the program work?

Referral to the team by:

  • Teacher
  • Counselor
  • Another staff member
  • Administration
  • Parent
  • Student


  • Identify barriers to learning
  • Parent notification / consent / involvement
  • Possible interview with the student (with parent consent)
  • Possible intervention with parents and student
  • Possible referral for support services

What are the benefits of the Student Assistance Program?

  • Help foster a team approach to problem-solving
  • Enhance positive school experiences for all students
  • Provide support for parents and students
  • Unify staff, parents, and students in working together to foster student achievement

What is the role of the parent?

  • To be a part of the decision-making process
  • To help implement interventions when appropriate
  • To provide additional information

Behavioral Health concerns (anxiety, depression, drug or alcohol usage, etc.)

Contact: Ms. Stachina: SAP Liaison– 570-402-1000 ext. 4014
To make an online referral, please fill out our online referral form

Pennsylvania Student Assistance Program – Student Assistance Program (SAP)